Problems faced by adolescents

Luckily, most adolescents enjoy good physical and mental health and had experienced a good childhood with the accomplishment of every demand they did. But having everything good in their life they still face so many difficulties inside and outside the house with friends and relatives/ family when they are moving from childhood to adolescence age.

The most common problems among adolescents are related to growth and development, school, childhood illnesses that continue into adolescence, mental health disorders, and the consequences of risky or illegal behaviors, including injury, legal consequences, pregnancy, infectious diseases, and substance use disorders. Psychosocial adjustment is a hallmark of this phase of development because even healthy and typically developing individuals struggle with issues of identity, autonomy, sexuality, and relationships. “Who am I, where am I going, and how do I relate to all of these people in my life?” are frequent preoccupations for most adolescents.

Common problems that adolescents are facing while entering this age from childhood are:

We all are somewhere aware of these things and keep on neglecting it as a parent and as an adolescent too. It might have happened that your child is facing these kinds of problems in their day-to-day life but are not able to communicate with you. Or on the other hand, the adolescent himself is facing these problems and getting antisocial and aggressive and not aware of many things happening around him. All of these are common problems faced by almost everyone but the important thing is how you deal with it and if you are not able to deal then are you approaching anyone for help???? If yes, then it’s good but if not then come and approach any psychologist or counselor as they are always there by your side and solve each and every problem without judging you.

Psyche and beyond is one of the best place you can approach for help and you will get the best facilities with an experienced psychologist team with proper coordination between you and the therapists or psychologist.

Call+91-8076081379and book an appointment now.