SPSS means “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences” and was first launched in 1968. Since SPSS was acquired by IBM in 2009. SPSS is software for editing and analysing all sorts of data. These data may come from basically any source: scientific research, a customer database, Google Analytics or even the server log files of a website. SPSS can open all file formats that are commonly used for structured data such as spreadsheets from MS Excel or OpenOffice ;plain text files (.txt or .csv); relational (SQL) databases; Stata and SAS.

Data Analysis with SPSS

Working on data is a complex and time-consuming process, but this software can easily handle and operate information with the help of some techniques. These techniques are used to analyse, transform, and produce a characteristic pattern between different data variables. In addition to it, the output can be obtained through graphical representation so that a user can easily understand the result.

Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE) Program

The CRE Program is an important aspect of RCI to update the knowledge and skills of the professionals so as to provide quality services to the people with disabilities. This aspect is carried out through workshops, seminars, short-term refresher courses, orientation programs  which are supported by RCI. Associations/ Institutions from Govt. / Non Govt. organizations are supported to conduct programmes for the benefit of professionals. RCI has been working with commitment to improve the standards of education of and training in the field of rehabilitation.

In this connection the Council keeps supporting the on going Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE) Programme being conducted at selected RCI approved Training Institution Nationwide such as at the Institution of INPA. This information is given for the rehabilitation professionals & personnel working in these areas, so that they can join the nearby centre to upgrade their professionals skills.

Objectives of CRE Courses

  1. To upgrade the knowledge & skills of in-service & practicing professionals & personnel already registered with the RCI u/s 19 of the RCI Act of 1992.
  2. To update Professional knowledge of Master Trainers working in the field of Rehabilitation & Special Education.

CRE programmes are conducted by INPA from time to time.

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